TagHelper syntax for View Components - Day 3 - 24 days of "Front-end Development with ASP.NET Core, Angular, and Bootstrap"
Today I want to talk about View Components, showing how they can be added to a page using the Tag Helper syntax.…
Today I want to talk about View Components, showing how they can be added to a page using the Tag Helper syntax.…
On the second of December, I want to share something from the first chapter of my upcoming book Front-end Development with ASP.NET Core, Angular, and Bootstrap. While reviewing and updating the code from ASP.NET Core 1.0 to version 2.0 I was faced with the challenge of how to explain what's going on in the initialization of the `WebHost` which was make much more simple and logic ASP.NET Core 2.0, but at the cost of being more "magic".…
Today it's the first of December and this year I'm trying to do something I've never done before. I'm going to write an Advent Calendar. And each day from today to the 24th of December I'm going to write a short post with a tip, an extract, a code listing or topic from my upcoming book Front-end Development with ASP.NET Core, Angular, and Bootstrap.…
I'm so excited to announce that I just sent to the my editor the final chapter of my upcoming book Front-end Development with ASP.NET Core, Angular, and Bootstrap. And will available beginning of 2018.…
My latest ebook, ASP.NET Core Succinctly, writting together with Ugo Lattanzi has just been published and is available for free from Syncfusion…