This post is not about a concert of a Metallica cover band, the announcement of the next event for the local .NET user group in Wellington.

As all years, the first event is a lightning event, which means that there will be a lot of short 5-10 minutes talks on different topics: IIS 7,
Ajax, CruiseControl.NET, NHibernate, Windows Home Server, Team System customisation, Telecom processes, and maybe a few more.

I'll take part in the event, not only as spectator, but also as speaker: I'll talk about NHibernate, an API that "relieve the developer from 95 percent of common data persistence related programming tasks, compared to manual coding with SQL" (cit.)

If I can fit into the 10 minutes presentation, I will also show an interesting tool that can help a lot when working with NHibernate: NHibernate Domain Mapper (when it will be released, of course smile_wink)

For the logistics of the event have a look at the Wellington event list page on the NZ.NET web site

I was forgetting the date: the event will be 7 February at 6pm at Microsoft's.